
Sunday 10 July 2016

Catch up on lost growth : My Horlicks growth plus

        Growth refers both mental and physical development.Growth and physical development of a child is age specific and characterized by certain milestones.And why it  is it important to achieve milestones?I used to think about it when my kid started showing under weight compared to other kids of his age..Then I started thinking about the importance of proper diet and all. As all other parents  I too want to see my kids in happy and healthy state.

       What are the factors affecting the growth of a child? There are several factors affecting the growth rate a kid.It may be the lack of nutrition during the time of pregnancy,or it may be due to the bad food habit of the kid or due to some infections etc..It is super important to keep your kid healthy by giving proper diet.According to my own experience I can say that it is a difficult task to make him to eat veggies and healthy food items.I used to do loads of tricks and tips but many times it failed and ended up with a disaster.
         And let us see how did Horlicks growth helped me in this situation? When I talked with my neighbour about this issues she shared her worries and told me about the Horlicks growth plus and forced me to try it out :) She gave me few spoons of horlicks (Because my kid doesnt like all the flavours and almost all the health drinks I tried and threw it away )I tried it in the evening saying that its new you just taste it.He took first sip and smiled then said I dont like this new one.Really I was shocked and I told him that your friend Navya gave this to you if you dont like I will return it...So again he started tasting it and within minutes he finished one full cup of milk.Next morning I gave my old health drink and then he asked me for the new one :)And finally now he is a regular user of Horlicks :)

         After starting horlicks I'm sure daily he is drinking two cups of full fat milk and at the same time he is taking other food items also. But still he is not good in eating veggies. But now he is at least tasting different veggies and all the dishes I am preparing here. Now he has 17 kg and 110 cm height and I am very much satisfied with his growth.And now proudly I can say that my little prince is a happy and very active boy .In my opinion it is super important to catch up proper growth and development to living a healthy and balanced life. Some times kids need extra nutritional supplements other than normal food to catch up their milestones.
         Its my personal suggestion to all parents to buy Horlicks growth plus  so that they can catch on their lost growth. Horlicks growth plus is a specially developed product for growth and development which claims to naturally increase height and weight without causing obesity in children. It contains high quality protein and other nutrients and which helps your kids to catch up their lost growth.


  1. The nutrients everyone need. I have always loved Horlicks.

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