
Sunday 22 March 2015

Moments Of Happiness

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort”– Franklin d. Roosevelt

What is happiness?????Each and everyone give  different answers but the common point should be "something that brings smile to our face" and definitely it is a choice too!!!!! Yea it is true..One has to decide his own happiness. I'm a person trying to find out happiness even in simple matters. Sometimes I will be happy, if I'm getting a dairy milk chocolate. Other day an unexpected rain or a phone call from dear ones will make me happy. Here I'm adding some points that makes me happy

  • For me happiness is the time I'm spending with my family, yea that moments I'm enjoying a lot and it will make non stop smile and laughter in my face.Whenever we three (me, my hubby and our kid) are together, really I feel that I'm the happiest person in this world. We both will play with our kid and by seeing his laughter we too will enjoy the moments. We won't get much time to spent together so whenever getting time we all will go to the park and play. As a mom I feel that, seeing my kids smile is making me more happy.Yea I'm course  all the moms will say the same thing.
  • For me happiness is the time spending with my best friends. Yea if happiness is the moment when my face is filled with smile, then I can say that the whole day I will be happy if I'm with my buddy's. We will make each and every moment enjoyable by sharing one coca cola, one sharjah shake, one burger etc..yea sharing.... is the time of enjoyment..time of happiness..
  • For me happiness is when I'm getting compliments for the dish I have  prepared for my family. I will be more excited if I'm getting the same from our guest.
  • For me happiness is whenever my hubby is booking ticket to native!I will be excited to see my village,family members and all.
  • For me happiness is Listening melody continuously.
  • For me happiness is when I get enough time to spend for me.
  • For me happiness is when I get an unexpected gift from some one special.

Open the bottle of happiness yea ..coc coc coca cola!!!!!!!


  1. After reading through this post, instantly I feel happy too.

  2. I am also smiling while reading the same........
